These are resources for Major League Baseball that we find ourselves in need of from time to time. This list of MLB resources will be updated as new ones are added.
Sport Relay MLB Resources
1. MLB Teams List
The MLB Teams List page has every type of list of MLB teams that we’ve ever needed. It has the following lists:
Listed in Alphabetical Order by City or State Name
- All MLB teams
- All American League teams
- All National League teams
- All MLB divisions with teams
Listed in Alphabetical Order by Team Name, Without City or State Name
- All MLB teams
- All American League teams
- All National League teams
- All MLB divisions with teams
Both sets of lists are located on the MLB Teams List page.
2. MLB Teams Social Media Accounts
The MLB Teams Social Media Links page is a list of links to all MLB teams’ social media pages for Twitter / X, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit as well as a link to each MLB team’s official social media links page. It has the following items:
- A chart listing all MLB teams in alphabetical order by team name, and links to each team’s social media accounts
- Each MLB team in alphabetical order by team name, separated by a subheading for each team and with links to its social media
Both items are located on the MLB Teams Social Media Links page.
3. MLB Ballparks List
Listed in Alphabetical Order by Team’s City or State Name
- Addresses for all MLB and Spring Training ballparks
- Phone numbers for all MLB and Spring Training ballparks
- Links to all team-associated ballpark websites
Additional Separate Lists
- Addresses for all MLB ballparks, alphabetically by team
- Addresses for all MLB ballparks, alphabetically by league
- Addresses for all MLB ballparks, alphabetically by division
- Addresses for all MLB Spring Training ballparks, alphabetically by team
- Addresses for all MLB Spring Training ballparks, alphabetically by league
- Addresses for all MLB Spring Training ballparks, alphabetically by division
All lists are located on the MLB Ballpark Addresses page.
4. MLB Opening Day Starting Lineups
The Sport Relay MLB Opening Day Starting Lineups Tool is a database of starting lineups for each MLB team. Simply use the two dropdown boxes to select and display the season and team of your choice. We are currently working on adding more seasons to the database, but the tool is up and running with multiple seasons loaded. The tool displays the following information:
- The selected team’s MLB Opening Day starting pitcher
- The selected team’s MLB Opening Day starting lineup
- The position at which each starting player started for the selected team
- The selected team’s opponent on MLB Opening Day
- The outcome of the game
You can access and use our new tool here: Sport Relay MLB Opening Day Starting Lineups Tool
More resources are planned for the future, so check back soon!
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